Friday 1 July 2011

Help Salah Rahmani to get back to school ASAP

To University of Alberta Administration,
CC:  Ombud Service, Office of Safe Disclosure and Human Rights, Alberta Human Rights Commission

Attn.: University of Alberta Community,

Salah Rahmani was a graduate student at the Department of Cell Biology, at the University of Alberta’s Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry from Sept 2009-May 2010. During this time, he was the target of harassment, insult and bullying. After Salah discussed the situation with the department, not only did his situation not improve, he was also subjected to more pressure and unfair treatment. It became very obvious that the department had no intention of helping Salah to resolve the situation.
Photo courtesy of Aaron Yeo/

Salah has expressed his disappointment and his concerns about the department’s unwillingness to address his problems and the efforts to make his situation worse. Subsequently, he found himself very helpless and in a very critical condition, subjected to psychological pressure and manipulation causing him stress, and depression. Salah informed the department that if they are not willing to deal with the problem in a proper and fair manner, he was going to file a human rights complaint with the Alberta Human Rights Commission.

Day by day Salah’s situation took a turn for worse, and he was subjected to more pressure and bullying. On 11 May 2010 the department arranged a meeting and Salah was told that his attendance was mandatory. In that meeting they brought a psychologist and under further psychological pressure and threat, psychological manipulation and humiliation, Salah was forced to leave the department immediately. Salah expressed once again that he was seeking help from the department and saw no reason to leave the department. While the department and university representatives were allegedly giving each other advice, Salah was left helpless and without any advisor.

The psychologist, Dr. Lorraine Breault – who is also a friend of the department’s representatives - told Salah that the decision was ultimately up to the department Chair who could make any decision. Salah’s understanding was that this was absolutely wrong, because no one is above the law and every body is equal before the law. Therefore, the Chair’s decision must be based on the laws and rules of university and the department. Salah was told by the chair that he had to leave the department immediately, otherwise security would be called. Finally, under psychological threats and further bullying, harassment, arbitrary and retaliatory decision he was forced to leave the department on 11 May, 2010. However, in further arbitrary, retaliatory and discriminatory actions against him, in letters to Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research (FGSR), the department has accused Salah of academic and professional misconduct.

Since then he is contacting professors in different departments including Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, but his requests have been turned down. “Salah asked some of his friends to apply to the same professors who refused him, and said they received positive and enthusiastic replies. Other professors he asked exercised their right of "academic freedom," and refused him without citing a reason.” (The GateWay)

As a graduate student at the University of Alberta, Salah Rahmani has been insulted, harassed, bullied, discriminated and retaliated against. As a result, he is currently suffering from psychological trauma caused by mistreatment, abuse of power, and injustice. Therefore, we, the undersigned, request the U of A administration to mediate the situation and help him to get back to his program to continue his study and research. However, we believe that remedy is necessary as well.
"Let there be justice for all. Let there be peace for all. Let there be work, bread, water and salt for all. Let each know that for each the body, the mind and the soul have been freed to fulfill themselves."
Nelson Mandela
Your Sincerely,


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Photo courtesy of Shelley Williamson/Metro